Videos tagged with Jennifer Chacón

  • The Present and Future of Civil Rights Movements: Race and Reform in 21st Century America

    Plenary: Trends in Immigration Law and Policy

    Welcome: Dean David F. Levi (Duke Law School)

    Moderator: Cristina Rodriguez (Yale Law School)

    Panel: Leisy Abrego (UCLA, Department of Chicana/o Studies), Jennifer Chacón (University of California, Irvine, School of Law), Alejandra Gomez (Living United for Change in Arizona – LUCHA), Marielena Hincapie (National Immigration Law Center), Robin Lenhardt (Fordham University School of Law), Hiroshi Motomura (UCLA School of Law)

  • Duke Law Journal's Fortieth Annual Administrative Law Symposium focused on immigration law and adjudication. The symposium explored the rights of unauthorized migrants in the United States and how those rights are obliquely enforced. The symposium also studied the adjudicative competencies of immigration judges in light of the increased involvement of local and state authorities in the enforcement of immigration law.